The Editorial Staff of the Journal of Conflict Management
welcomes submissions of manuscripts for review and possible
publication in JOCM. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature, looking at the broad
fields of conflict management, dispute resolution, mediation and
related areas. Manuscripts may emphasize research (quantitative,
qualitative or mixed-method) theory, education or
practical application/best practices from various disciplines,
settings and locales.
Editorial Correspondence
Correspondence regarding JOCM, including submission of
manuscripts for consideration, should be addressed to Dr. S. Charles Malka, Editor, via e-mail at
Peer Review
JOCM incorporates a double-blind peer reviewing procedure.
Authors are therefore requested to submit a manuscript without
author names or affiliations in the text or references. A
separate title page file, containing each author's name,
affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail address, should
accompany the manuscript.
Authors retain the copyright for their original material
published in JOCM, including--but not limited to--rights to
authorize subsequent publication or translation. Any factual
inaccuracies or opinions expressed therein are the authors' own,
and do not necessarily reflect the knowledge, views, or
positions of the Sullivan University, any of the university's
units, or JOCM's editors. Material appearing in JOCM may be distributed freely by
electronic or any other means, provided that any such
distribution acknowledges The Journal of Conflict Management as
the source. JOCM articles may not be reprinted in any
publication without the explicit written permission of the
author(s). Authors are responsible for assuring that they have secured permission to include any copyrighted materials in their articles from the copyright owner(s).
Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation
Since the JOCM editors receive a large quantity of submissions,
only those manuscripts that follow the guidelines below with be
considered for review. Please take the time to become acquainted with the
Style and Format
Manuscripts will be word processed using Microsoft Word or a
compatible program and submitted as .doc, .docx or .rtf files. Manuscripts must follow the 7th Edition of
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(APA)-- ith the additional specifications listed below. Authors
are responsible for checking the accuracy of their manuscripts
and ensuring that all in-text references appear in the reference
list at the end of the contribution.
- Margins are 1” top, bottom, left and right.
- Body text is Times New Roman (TNR) font, single-spaced and left-justified (i.e. ragged right edge) with the first line of paragraphs indented 1/4” (rather than 1/2“).
- Manuscript titles should be in all caps, in 14-point bold, centered, and contain 12 words or less.
- Do not type headings in all caps.
- Main (level 1) headings should be 12-point Arial font, bold, and centered.
- Section headings (level 2) should be 12-point Arial font, bold, and left-justified
- Sub-headings (level 3) should be 12-point Arial font, not bolded, and left-justified.
- Titles for tables should be placed immediately above the table, in 12-point Times New Roman, not bolded and left-justified.
- Titles for figures should be placed immediately below the figure, in 12-point Times New Roman, not bolded and left-justified.
- Do not insert page numbers in the manuscript
Click here to see an example of a formatted manuscript with comments
Language and Length
JOCM is an English-language journal. Articles will typically be
between 3,000 and 7,000 words in length, but longer articles may
be approved by contacting the Editor. The article should begin with a clear and concise abstract of 150 words or less.
Page Numbers, Headers, Footers and Embedded Commands
Do not insert page numbers, headers (including running heads), footers or any embedded commands. Footnotes should be avoided. If they cannot be avoided, footnotes should be placed together in the manuscript after the Reference section, rather than at the bottom of individual pages.
Self-Identifying Citations and References
Self-identifying citations and references in the manuscript text
should either be avoided or left blank. If necessary, the
in-text reference may be rendered as (AUTHOR, YEAR) in capital
letters and not included in the reference section. The
references to authors' work (both in-text citations and in the
reference section) will be made by the author on the final draft
of an
accepted manuscript.
Figures and Tables
All tables and figures should be embedded within the manuscript—not placed together at the end of the manuscript. Figures and tables must be able to fit onto a single page. Figures and tables that run onto multiple pages may be modified by the editors. Contents of tables and figures should be described in the paragraph immediately preceding.
Digital images should also be numbered as "Image1,"
"Image2," etc. and, as with figures and tables, clearly visible
notes should be used to indicate their approximate place in the
article. A separate file for each image, either in .JPG, .GIF or
.PNG format, must accompany the manuscript files. Images should
be 300 dpi or as high quality as possible.
Submissions are to be made via e-mail as attached files to
Dr. S. Charles Malka, JOCM Editor at
Be sure to include "JOCM Submission" in the subject line. Submissions
include the following as separate files:
- Manuscript Title Page (.doc, .docx or .rtf file) – Title, authors and affiliations.
- Manuscript (.doc, .docx or .rtf file) – Title, body, no author-identifying information.
- Author biographies and contact information (.doc, .docx or .rtf file). Biographies should be 150 words or less. Contact information should include email address and phone number.
- Image files (.jpg, .gif or .png file) – If used.
Example Title Page:
Ann Nancy Wilson
St. Heart University
Robert Plant
Zeppelin State University